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Create an excellent step by step visual diagram and instructions using this smart widget.

Tool Rules
  • Max Rarity: Epic
  • Max Shine: Stone
  • No duplicate tools (can not use the same type of tool more than 1 time)
Event Rules
  • Final standings will be based on the total TLM mined
  • There are 6 days in the event. You will get to do 11 mines a day, for a total of 66 mines. We will only look at the 1st 11 mines each day. A day is from 18:00 UTC one day to the next during the event. If you are doing over 20 mines a day on event lands we will consider you a bot.
  • If during the competition there is any kind of event that makes the amount of TLM mined in a single mine excessively higher compared to the one that would be mined in normal conditions, those mines will be given a value equal to the highest single mine during competition prior to the event.
  • If needed we may decide to pause the event at a time and restart it later.
  • ALL REWARDS MUST BE CLAIMED IN OUR DISCORD – you must DM The Iconical#1492 on discord to get your rewards
  • We will not be paying any accounts that have botted in the past (24hr mining for days in a row)
  • All prizes will be paid no matter what
  • All wallets created in the 10 days prior, that we aren’t aware of, will be flagged and need to get in touch prior to the end
  • All rules are subject to change. Anything we decide is final in terms of flagging accounts.

All rights reserved © 2022 powered by The Iconical

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